Source code for firebird.base.trace

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-present The Firebird Projects <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# PROGRAM/MODULE: firebird-base
# FILE:           firebird/base/
# DESCRIPTION:    Trace/audit for class instances
# CREATED:        5.6.2020
# The contents of this file are subject to the MIT License
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
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# Copyright (c) 2020 Firebird Project (
# All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Pavel Císař (original code)
#                 ______________________________________

"""firebird-base - Trace/audit for class instances

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Any, Type, Hashable, List, Dict, Callable
import os
from inspect import signature, Signature, isfunction
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import IntFlag, auto
from functools import wraps, partial
from time import monotonic
from decimal import Decimal
from configparser import ConfigParser
from .types import Error, Distinct, DEFAULT, UNLIMITED, load
from .collections import Registry
from .strconv import convert_from_str
from .config import StrOption, IntOption, BoolOption, ListOption, FlagOption, EnumOption, \
     ConfigListOption, Config
from .logging import LogLevel, FBLoggerAdapter, get_logger

[docs] class TraceFlag(IntFlag): """`LoggingManager` trace/audit flags. """ NONE = 0 ACTIVE = auto() BEFORE = auto() AFTER = auto() FAIL = auto()
@dataclass class TracedItem(Distinct): """Class method trace specification. """ method: str decorator: Callable args: List = field(default_factory=list) kwargs: Dict = field(default_factory=dict) def get_key(self) -> Hashable: """Returns Distinct key for traced item [method].""" return self.method @dataclass class TracedClass(Distinct): """Traced class registry entry. """ cls: Type traced: Registry = field(default_factory=Registry) def get_key(self) -> Hashable: """Returns Distinct key for traced item [cls].""" return self.cls _traced: Registry = Registry() class TracedMeta(type): """Metaclass that instruments instances on creation. """ def __call__(cls: Type, *args, **kwargs): return trace_object(super().__call__(*args, **kwargs), strict=True)
[docs] class TracedMixin(metaclass=TracedMeta): """Mixin class that automatically registers descendants for trace and instruments instances on creation. """ def __init_subclass__(cls: Type, /, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) trace_manager.register(cls)
[docs] class traced: # pylint: disable=[R0902] """Base decorator for logging of callables, suitable for trace/audit. It's not applied on decorated function/method if `FBASE_TRACE` environment variable is set to False, or if `FBASE_TRACE` is not defined and `__debug__` is False (optimized Python code). Both positional and keyword arguments of decorated callable are available by name for f-string type message interpolation as `dict` passed to logger as positional argument. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *, agent: Any=DEFAULT, context: Any=DEFAULT, topic: str='trace', msg_before: str=DEFAULT, msg_after: str=DEFAULT, msg_failed: str=DEFAULT, flags: TraceFlag=TraceFlag(0), level: LogLevel=LogLevel.DEBUG, max_param_length: int=UNLIMITED, extra: Dict=None, callback: Callable[[Any], bool]=None, has_result: bool=DEFAULT, with_args: bool=True): """ Arguments: agent: Agent identification context: Context identification topic: Trace/audit logging topic msg_before: Trace/audit message logged before decorated function msg_after: Trace/audit message logged after decorated function msg_failed: Trace/audit message logged when decorated function raises an exception flags: Trace flags override level: Logging level for trace/audit messages max_param_length: Max. length of parameters (longer will be trimmed) extra: Extra data for `LogRecord` callback: Callback function that gets the agent identification as argument, and must return True/False indicating whether trace is allowed. has_result: Indicator whether function has result value. If True, `_result_` is available for interpolation in `msg_after`. The `DEFAULT` value means, that value for this argument should be decided from function return value annotation. with_args: If True, function arguments are available for interpolation in `msg_before`. """ #: Trace/audit message logged before decorated function self.msg_before: str = msg_before #: Trace/audit message logged after decorated function self.msg_after: str = msg_after #: Trace/audit message logged when decorated function raises an exception self.msg_failed: str = msg_failed #: Agent identification self.agent: Any = agent #: Context identification self.context: Any = context #: Trace/audit logging topic self.topic: str = topic #: Trace flags override self.flags: TraceFlag = flags #: Logging level for trace/audit messages self.level: LogLevel = level #: Max. length of parameters (longer will be trimmed) self.max_len: int = max_param_length #: Extra data for `LogRecord` self.extra: Dict = extra #: Callback function that gets the agent identification as argument, #: and must return True/False indicating whether trace is allowed. self.callback: Callable[[Any], bool] = self.__callback if callback is None else callback #: Indicator whether function has result value. If True, `_result_` is available #: for interpolation in `msg_after`. self.has_result: bool = has_result #: If True, function arguments are available for interpolation in `msg_before` self.with_args: bool = with_args
def __callback(self, agent: Any) -> bool: # pylint: disable=[W0613] """Default callback, does nothing. """ return True
[docs] def set_before_msg(self, fn: Callable, sig: Signature) -> None: """Sets the DEFAULT before message f-string template. """ if self.with_args: self.msg_before = f">>> {fn.__name__}({', '.join(f'{{{x}=}}' for x in sig.parameters if x != 'self')})" else: self.msg_before = f">>> {fn.__name__}"
[docs] def set_after_msg(self, fn: Callable, sig: Signature) -> None: # pylint: disable=[W0613] """Sets the DEFAULT after message f-string template. """ self.msg_after = f"<<< {fn.__name__}[{{_etime_}}] Result: {{_result_}}" \ if self.has_result else f"<<< {fn.__name__}[{{_etime_}}]"
[docs] def set_fail_msg(self, fn: Callable, sig: Signature) -> None: # pylint: disable=[W0613] """Sets the DEFAULT fail message f-string template. """ self.msg_failed = f"<-- {fn.__name__}[{{_etime_}}] {{_exc_}}"
[docs] def log_before(self, logger: FBLoggerAdapter, params: Dict) -> None: """Executed before decorated callable. """ logger.log(self.level, self.msg_before, params, stacklevel=2)
[docs] def log_after(self, logger: FBLoggerAdapter, params: Dict) -> None: """Executed after decorated callable. """ logger.log(self.level, self.msg_after, params, stacklevel=2)
[docs] def log_failed(self, logger: FBLoggerAdapter, params: Dict) -> None: """Executed when decorated callable raises an exception. """ logger.log(self.level, self.msg_failed, params, stacklevel=2)
def __call__(self, fn: Callable): # pylint: disable=[R0915] @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=[R0912] flags = trace_manager.flags | self.flags if enabled := ((TraceFlag.ACTIVE in flags) and int(flags) > 1): # pylint: disable=[R1702] params = {} bound = sig.bind_partial(*args, **kwargs) # If it's not a bound method, look for 'self' log = get_logger(bound.arguments.get('self', 'function') if self.agent is None else self.agent, self.context, self.topic) if enabled := (log.isEnabledFor(self.level) and self.callback(self.agent)): if self.with_args: bound.apply_defaults() params.update(bound.arguments) if self.max_len is not UNLIMITED: for k, v in params.items(): s = str(v) if (i := len(s)) > self.max_len: params[k] = f'{s[:self.max_len]}..[{i - self.max_len}]' if self.extra is not None: params.update(self.extra) params['_fname_'] = fn.__name__ params['_result_'] = None # if TraceFlag.BEFORE in flags: self.log_before(log, params) result = None start = monotonic() try: result = fn(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as exc: if enabled and TraceFlag.FAIL | TraceFlag.ACTIVE in flags: e = str(Decimal(monotonic() - start)) params['_etime_'] = e[:e.find('.')+6] params['_exc_'] = f'{exc.__class__.__qualname__}: {exc}' self.log_failed(log, params) raise else: if enabled and TraceFlag.AFTER | TraceFlag.ACTIVE in flags: e = str(Decimal(monotonic() - start)) params['_etime_'] = e[:e.find('.')+6] if self.has_result: params['_result_'] = result if self.max_len is not UNLIMITED: s = str(result) if (i := len(s)) > self.max_len: params['_result_'] = f'{s[:self.max_len]}..[{i - self.max_len}]' self.log_after(log, params) return result if (trace := os.getenv('FBASE_TRACE')) is not None: if not convert_from_str(bool, trace): return fn elif not __debug__: return fn if self.agent is DEFAULT: self.agent = getattr(fn, '__self__', None) sig = signature(fn) if self.has_result is DEFAULT: self.has_result = sig.return_annotation != 'None' if self.msg_before is DEFAULT: self.set_before_msg(fn, sig) if self.msg_after is DEFAULT: self.set_after_msg(fn, sig) if self.msg_failed is DEFAULT: self.set_fail_msg(fn, sig) return wrapper
[docs] class BaseTraceConfig(Config): # pylint: disable=[R0902] """Base configuration for trace. """ def __init__(self, name: str): super().__init__(name) #: Agent identification self.agent: StrOption = \ StrOption('agent', "Agent identification") #: Context identification self.context: StrOption = \ StrOption('context', "Context identification") #: Trace/audit logging topic self.topic: StrOption = \ StrOption('topic', "Trace/audit logging topic") #: Trace/audit message logged before decorated function self.msg_before: StrOption = \ StrOption('msg_before', "Trace/audit message logged before decorated function") #: Trace/audit message logged after decorated function self.msg_after: StrOption = \ StrOption('msg_after', "Trace/audit message logged after decorated function") #: Trace/audit message logged when decorated function raises an exception self.msg_failed: StrOption = \ StrOption('msg_failed', "Trace/audit message logged when decorated function raises an exception") #: Trace flags override self.flags: FlagOption = \ FlagOption('flags', TraceFlag, "Trace flags override") #: Logging level for trace/audit messages self.level: EnumOption = \ EnumOption('level', LogLevel, "Logging level for trace/audit messages") #: Max. length of parameters (longer will be trimmed) self.max_param_length: IntOption = \ IntOption('max_param_length', "Max. length of parameters (longer will be trimmed)") #: Indicator whether function has result value self.has_result: BoolOption = \ BoolOption('has_result', "Indicator whether function has result value") #: If True, function arguments are available for interpolation in `msg_before` self.with_args: BoolOption = \ BoolOption('with_args', "If True, function arguments are available for interpolation in `msg_before`")
[docs] class TracedMethodConfig(BaseTraceConfig): """Configuration of traced Python method. """ def __init__(self, name: str): super().__init__(name) #: Class method name [required] self.method: StrOption = \ StrOption('method', "Class method name", required=True)
[docs] class TracedClassConfig(BaseTraceConfig): """Configuration of traced Python class. """ def __init__(self, name: str): super().__init__(name) #: Fully qualified class name [required] self.source: StrOption = \ StrOption('source', "Fully qualified class name", required=True) #: Names of traced class methods self.methods: ListOption = \ ListOption('methods', str, "Names of traced class methods") #: Configuration sections with extended config of traced class methods self.special: ConfigListOption = \ ConfigListOption('special', "Configuration sections with extended config of traced class methods", TracedMethodConfig) #: Wherher configuration should be applied also to all registered descendant classes [default: True]. self.apply_to_descendants: BoolOption = \ BoolOption('apply_to_descendants', "Configuration should be applied also to all registered descendant classes", default=True)
[docs] class TraceConfig(BaseTraceConfig): """Trace manager configuration. """ def __init__(self, name: str): super().__init__(name) #: When True, unregistered classes are registered automatically [default: True]. self.autoregister: BoolOption = \ BoolOption('autoregister', "When True, unregistered classes are registered automatically", default=True) #: Configuration sections with traced Python classes [required]. self.classes: ConfigListOption = \ ConfigListOption('classes', "Configuration sections with traced Python classes", TracedClassConfig, required=True)
[docs] class TraceManager: """Trace manager. """ def __init__(self): #: Decorator that should be used for trace instrumentation (via `add_trace`), #: default: `traced`. self.decorator: Callable = traced self._traced: Registry = Registry() self._flags: TraceFlag = TraceFlag.NONE self.trace_active = convert_from_str(bool, os.getenv('FBASE_TRACE', str(__debug__))) if convert_from_str(bool, os.getenv('FBASE_TRACE_BEFORE', 'no')): # pragma: no cover self.set_flag(TraceFlag.BEFORE) if convert_from_str(bool, os.getenv('FBASE_TRACE_AFTER', 'no')): # pragma: no cover self.set_flag(TraceFlag.AFTER) if convert_from_str(bool, os.getenv('FBASE_TRACE_FAIL', 'yes')): self.set_flag(TraceFlag.FAIL)
[docs] def is_registered(self, cls: Type) -> bool: """Return True if class is registered. """ return cls in self._traced
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """Removes all trace specifications. """ for cls in self._traced: cls.traced.clear()
[docs] def register(self, cls: Type) -> None: """Register class for trace. Arguments: cls: Class to be registered. Does nothing if class is already registered. """ if cls not in self._traced:
[docs] def add_trace(self, cls: Type, method: str, / , *args, **kwargs) -> None: """Add/update trace specification for class method. Arguments: cls: Registered traced class method: Name of class method that should be instrumented for trace args: Positional arguments for decorator kwargs: Keyword arguments for decorator """ self._traced[cls].traced.update(TracedItem(method, self.decorator, args, kwargs))
[docs] def remove_trace(self, cls: Type, method: str) -> None: """Remove trace specification for class method. Arguments: cls: Registered traced class method: Name of class method """ del self._traced[cls].traced[method]
[docs] def trace_object(self, obj: Any, *, strict: bool=False) -> Any: """Instruments object's methods with decorator according to trace configuration. Arguments: strict: Determines the response if the object class is not registered for trace. Raises exception when True, or return the instance as is when False [default]. Only methods registered with `.add_trace()` are instrumented. Returns: Decorated instance. Raises: TypeError: When object class is not registered and `strict` is True. """ if (trace := os.getenv('FBASE_TRACE')) is not None: if not convert_from_str(bool, trace): return obj elif not __debug__: return obj entry: TracedClass = self._traced.get(obj.__class__) if entry is None: if strict: raise TypeError(f"Class '{obj.__class__.__name__}' not registered for trace!") return obj for item in entry.traced: setattr(obj, item.method, item.decorator(*item.args, **item.kwargs)(getattr(obj, item.method))) return obj
[docs] def load_config(self, config: ConfigParser, section: str='trace') -> None: """Update trace from configuration. Arguments: config: ConfigParser instance with trace configuration. section: Name of ConfigParser section that should be used to get trace configuration. Uses `.TraceConfig`, `.TracedClassConfig` and `.TracedMethodConfig` to process the configuration. Note: Does not `.clear()` existing trace specifications. """ def build_kwargs(from_cfg: BaseTraceConfig) -> Dict[str, Any]: result = {} for item in ['agent', 'context', 'topic', 'msg_before', 'msg_after', 'msg_failed', 'flags', 'level', 'max_param_length', 'has_result', 'with_args']: if (value := getattr(from_cfg, item).value) is not None: result[item] = value return result def apply_on(cls): if (items := cls_cfg.methods.value) is not None: if (len(items) == 1) and (items[0] == '*'): items = [i for i in dir(cls) if not i.startswith('_') and isfunction(getattr(cls, i))] for item in items: self.add_trace(cls, item, *[], **cls_kwargs) if (items := cls_cfg.special.value) is not None: for mcfg in items: method = mcfg.method.value kwargs = {} kwargs.update(cls_kwargs) kwargs.update(build_kwargs(mcfg)) self.add_trace(cls, method, *[], **kwargs) def with_name(name: str, obj: Any) -> bool: return f'{obj.cls.__module__}.{obj.cls.__name__}' == name cfg = TraceConfig('trace') cfg.load_config(config, section) self.flags = cfg.flags.value global_kwargs = build_kwargs(cfg) for cls_cfg in cfg.classes.value: cls_name = cls_cfg.source.value cls_kwargs = {} cls_kwargs.update(global_kwargs) cls_kwargs.update(build_kwargs(cls_cfg)) if (cls_desc := self._traced.find(partial(with_name, cls_name))) is None: if cfg.autoregister.value: cls = load(':'.join(cls_name.rsplit('.', 1))) self.register(cls) else: raise Error(f"Class '{cls_name}' is not registered for trace.") else: cls = cls_desc.cls apply_on(cls) if cls_cfg.apply_to_descendants.value: for cls_desc in self._traced.values(): if (cls_desc.cls is not cls) and issubclass(cls_desc.cls, cls): apply_on(cls_desc.cls)
[docs] def set_flag(self, flag: TraceFlag) -> None: """Set flag specified by `flag` mask. """ self._flags |= flag
[docs] def clear_flag(self, flag: TraceFlag) -> None: """Clear flag specified by `flag` mask. """ self._flags &= ~flag
@property def flags(self) -> TraceFlag: """Trace flags. """ return self._flags @flags.setter def flags(self, value: TraceFlag) -> None: self._flags = value if isinstance(value, TraceFlag) else TraceFlag(value) @property def trace_active(self) -> bool: """True if trace is active. """ return TraceFlag.ACTIVE in self._flags @trace_active.setter def trace_active(self, value: bool) -> None: if value: self._flags |= TraceFlag.ACTIVE else: self._flags &= ~TraceFlag.ACTIVE
#: Trace manager trace_manager: TraceManager = TraceManager() #: shortcut for `trace_manager.add_trace()` add_trace = trace_manager.add_trace #: shortcut for `trace_manager.remove_trace()` remove_trace = trace_manager.remove_trace #: shortcut for `trace_manager.trace_object()` trace_object = trace_manager.trace_object