trace - Trace/audit for class instances


This module provides trace/audit logging for functions or object methods through context-based logging provided by logging module.

The trace logging is performed by traced decorator. You can use this decorator directly, or use TracedMixin class to automatically decorate methods of class instances on creation. Each decorated callable could log messages before execution, after successful execution or on failed execution (when unhandled execption is raised by callable). The trace decorator can automatically add agent and context information, and include parameters passed to callable, execution time, return value, information about raised exception etc. to log messages.

The trace logging is managed by TraceManager, that allows dynamic configuration of traced callables at runtime.


The following program is an example of small but complex enough code that you can use to experiment with code tracing options. The parts relevant to tracing are highlighted in the code by embedded comments.

from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from time import monotonic
from decimal import Decimal
from enum import IntEnum, auto
from firebird.base.types import *
from firebird.base.logging import LogLevel, LoggingIdMixin, get_logger
from firebird.base.trace import TracedMixin, add_trace, trace_manager, TraceFlag, traced

class Mood(IntEnum):
    "Agent moods"
    ANGRY = auto()
    SAD = auto()
    NEUTRAL = auto()
    PLEASED = auto()
    HAPPY = auto()

class Person(LoggingIdMixin, TracedMixin): # LOGGING & TRACE
    "Sample virtual human agent"
    def __init__(self, name: str, mood: Mood=Mood.NEUTRAL): str = name
        self.mood: Mood = mood List[Person] = []
    # >>> LOGGING & TRACE
    def _logging_id_(self) -> str:
        return f"{} {}"
    # <<< LOGGING & TRACE
    def change_mood(self, offset: int) -> None:
        result = self.mood + offset
        if result < Mood.ANGRY:
            self.mood = Mood.ANGRY
        elif result > Mood.HAPPY:
            self.mood = Mood.HAPPY
            self.mood = Mood(result)
    def process(self, message: str) -> None:
        msg = message.lower()
        if msg == "what you are doing here":
        if 'awful' in msg:
        if ('nice' in msg) or ('wonderful' in msg) or ('pleased' in msg):
            if self.mood != Mood.ANGRY:
        if 'happy' in msg:
            if self.mood != Mood.ANGRY:
        if 'very nice' in msg:
            if self.mood != Mood.ANGRY:
        if 'get lost' in msg:
        if in msg:
            if self.mood == Mood.SAD:
        if not in msg:
            if self.mood == Mood.NEUTRAL:
    def process_response(self, to: str, mood: Mood) -> None:
        if to == 'greeting':
            if self.mood == Mood.NEUTRAL:
                if mood > Mood.NEUTRAL:
                    self.mood = Mood.PLEASED
                elif mood == Mood.ANGRY:
                    self.mood = Mood.SAD
            elif self.mood == Mood.SAD:
                if mood == Mood.SAD:
                    self.mood = Mood.NEUTRAL
                elif mood == Mood.HAPPY:
                    self.mood = Mood.ANGRY
            elif self.mood == Mood.ANGRY and mood == Mood.SAD:
                self.mood = Mood.NEUTRAL
        elif to == 'chat':
            if self.mood == Mood.SAD and mood > Mood.NEUTRAL:
                self.mood = Mood.NEUTRAL
            elif self.mood == Mood.ANGRY and mood == Mood.SAD:
                self.mood = Mood.NEUTRAL
            elif self.mood == Mood.PLEASED and mood == Mood.ANGRY:
                self.mood = Mood.NEUTRAL
            elif self.mood == Mood.HAPPY and mood == Mood.ANGRY:
                self.mood = Mood.SAD
        elif to == 'bye':
            if self.mood == Mood.NEUTRAL:
                if mood == Mood.ANGRY:
                    self.mood = Mood.ANGRY
                elif mood > Mood.NEUTRAL:
                    self.mood = Mood.PLEASED
            elif self.mood == Mood.HAPPY and mood == Mood.ANGRY:
                self.mood = Mood.NEUTRAL
    def meet(self, other: Person) -> None:
    def interact(self, other: Person, message: str) -> Mood:
        print(f"[{}] {message}")
        # >>> LOGGING
        get_logger(self, topic='Person').debug(f'Processing "{message}" from [{}]')
        # <<< LOGGING
        return self.mood
    def greeting(self, other: Person) -> None:
        if self.mood == Mood.NEUTRAL:
            msg = f"Hi {}, I'm {}"
        elif self.mood == Mood.ANGRY:
            msg = "Hi"
        elif self.mood == Mood.SAD:
            msg = f"Hi {}"
            msg = f"Hi {}, I'm {}. I'm {} to meet you."
        self.process_response('greeting', other.interact(self, msg))
    def chat(self) -> None:
        for other in
            if self.mood == Mood.ANGRY:
                msg = "What you are doing here?"
            elif self.mood == Mood.SAD:
                msg = "The weather is awful today, don't you think?"
            elif self.mood == Mood.NEUTRAL:
                msg = "It's a fine day, don't you think?"
            elif self.mood == Mood.PLEASED:
                msg = "It's a very nice day, don't you think?"
                msg = "Today is a wonderful day!"
            self.process_response('chat', other.interact(self, msg))
    def bye(self) -> str:
            other =
            if self.mood == Mood.ANGRY:
                msg = "Get lost!"
            elif self.mood == Mood.SAD:
                msg = "Bye"
            elif self.mood == Mood.NEUTRAL:
                msg = f"Bye, {}."
            elif self.mood == Mood.PLEASED:
                msg = f"See you, {}!"
                msg = f"Bye, {}. Have a nice day!"
            self.process_response('bye', other.interact(self, msg))
        if self.mood == Mood.ANGRY:
            result = "I hate this meeting!"
        elif self.mood == Mood.SAD:
            result = "It was a waste of time!"
        elif self.mood == Mood.NEUTRAL:
            result = "It was OK."
        elif self.mood == Mood.PLEASED:
            result = "Nice meeting, I think."
            result = "What a wonderful meeting!"
        return result
    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{} [{}]"

def meeting(name: str, persons: List[Person]):
    "Simulation of virtual agents meeting"

    for person in persons:
        person.log_context = name

    start = monotonic()
    print("Meeting started...")
    print(f"Attendees: {', '.join(f'{} [{}]' for x in persons)}")

    for person in persons:
        for other in persons:
            if other is not person:

    for person in persons:

    for person in persons:

    e = str(Decimal(monotonic() - start))
    print(f"Meeting closed in {e[:e.find('.')+6]} sec.")
    print(f"Outcome: {', '.join(f'{} [{}]' for x in persons)}")

def test_trace(name: str, first: Mood, second: Mood) -> None:
    print(f"- without trace ----------")
    meeting(name, [Person('Alex', first), Person('David', second)])

    print(f"- trace ------------------")
    # >>> TRACE
    add_trace(Person, 'greeting', traced)
    add_trace(Person, 'bye', traced)
    add_trace(Person, 'chat', traced)
    add_trace(Person, 'change_mood', traced)
    add_trace(Person, 'process', traced, with_args=False)
    add_trace(Person, 'process_response', traced)
    # <<< TRACE
    meeting(name, [Person('Alex', first), Person('David', second)])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # >>> LOGGING
    logger = logging.getLogger()
    sh = logging.StreamHandler()
    sh.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(levelname)-10s: [%(topic)s][%(agent)s][%(context)s] %(message)s'))
    # <<< LOGGING
    # >>> TRACE
    trace_manager.trace |= (TraceFlag.FAIL | TraceFlag.BEFORE | TraceFlag.AFTER)
    trace_manager.trace_active = True
    # <<< TRACE
    test_trace('TEST-1', Mood.SAD, Mood.PLEASED)

Output from sample code:

> python
- without trace ----------
Meeting started...
Attendees: Alex [SAD], David [PLEASED]
[Alex] Hi David
DEBUG     : [Person][PLEASED David][TEST-1] Processing "Hi David" from [Alex]
[David] Hi Alex, I'm David. I'm PLEASED to meet you.
DEBUG     : [Person][SAD Alex][TEST-1] Processing "Hi Alex, I'm David. I'm PLEASED to meet you." from [David]
[Alex] It's a fine day, don't you think?
DEBUG     : [Person][PLEASED David][TEST-1] Processing "It's a fine day, don't you think?" from [Alex]
[David] It's a very nice day, don't you think?
DEBUG     : [Person][NEUTRAL Alex][TEST-1] Processing "It's a very nice day, don't you think?" from [David]
[Alex] Bye, David. Have a nice day!
DEBUG     : [Person][PLEASED David][TEST-1] Processing "Bye, David. Have a nice day!" from [Alex]
[David] Bye, Alex. Have a nice day!
DEBUG     : [Person][HAPPY Alex][TEST-1] Processing "Bye, Alex. Have a nice day!" from [David]
Meeting closed in 0.00071 sec.
Outcome: Alex [HAPPY], David [HAPPY]
- trace ------------------
Meeting started...
Attendees: Alex [SAD], David [PLEASED]
DEBUG     : [trace][SAD Alex][TEST-1] >>> greeting(other=David [PLEASED])
[Alex] Hi David
DEBUG     : [Person][PLEASED David][TEST-1] Processing "Hi David" from [Alex]
DEBUG     : [trace][PLEASED David][TEST-1] >>> process
DEBUG     : [trace][PLEASED David][TEST-1] <<< process[0.00002]
DEBUG     : [trace][SAD Alex][TEST-1] >>> process_response(to='greeting', mood=<Mood.PLEASED: 4>)
DEBUG     : [trace][SAD Alex][TEST-1] <<< process_response[0.00000]
DEBUG     : [trace][SAD Alex][TEST-1] <<< greeting[0.00050]
DEBUG     : [trace][PLEASED David][TEST-1] >>> greeting(other=Alex [SAD])
[David] Hi Alex, I'm David. I'm PLEASED to meet you.
DEBUG     : [Person][SAD Alex][TEST-1] Processing "Hi Alex, I'm David. I'm PLEASED to meet you." from [David]
DEBUG     : [trace][SAD Alex][TEST-1] >>> process
DEBUG     : [trace][SAD Alex][TEST-1] >>> change_mood(offset=1)
DEBUG     : [trace][SAD Alex][TEST-1] <<< change_mood[0.00000]
DEBUG     : [trace][SAD Alex][TEST-1] <<< process[0.00018]
DEBUG     : [trace][PLEASED David][TEST-1] >>> process_response(to='greeting', mood=<Mood.NEUTRAL: 3>)
DEBUG     : [trace][PLEASED David][TEST-1] <<< process_response[0.00000]
DEBUG     : [trace][PLEASED David][TEST-1] <<< greeting[0.00061]
DEBUG     : [trace][NEUTRAL Alex][TEST-1] >>> chat()
[Alex] It's a fine day, don't you think?
DEBUG     : [Person][PLEASED David][TEST-1] Processing "It's a fine day, don't you think?" from [Alex]
DEBUG     : [trace][PLEASED David][TEST-1] >>> process
DEBUG     : [trace][PLEASED David][TEST-1] <<< process[0.00000]
DEBUG     : [trace][NEUTRAL Alex][TEST-1] >>> process_response(to='chat', mood=<Mood.PLEASED: 4>)
DEBUG     : [trace][NEUTRAL Alex][TEST-1] <<< process_response[0.00000]
DEBUG     : [trace][NEUTRAL Alex][TEST-1] <<< chat[0.00045]
DEBUG     : [trace][PLEASED David][TEST-1] >>> chat()
[David] It's a very nice day, don't you think?
DEBUG     : [Person][NEUTRAL Alex][TEST-1] Processing "It's a very nice day, don't you think?" from [David]
DEBUG     : [trace][NEUTRAL Alex][TEST-1] >>> process
DEBUG     : [trace][NEUTRAL Alex][TEST-1] >>> change_mood(offset=1)
DEBUG     : [trace][NEUTRAL Alex][TEST-1] <<< change_mood[0.00000]
DEBUG     : [trace][PLEASED Alex][TEST-1] >>> change_mood(offset=1)
DEBUG     : [trace][PLEASED Alex][TEST-1] <<< change_mood[0.00000]
DEBUG     : [trace][NEUTRAL Alex][TEST-1] <<< process[0.00035]
DEBUG     : [trace][PLEASED David][TEST-1] >>> process_response(to='chat', mood=<Mood.HAPPY: 5>)
DEBUG     : [trace][PLEASED David][TEST-1] <<< process_response[0.00000]
DEBUG     : [trace][PLEASED David][TEST-1] <<< chat[0.00077]
DEBUG     : [trace][HAPPY Alex][TEST-1] >>> bye()
[Alex] Bye, David. Have a nice day!
DEBUG     : [Person][PLEASED David][TEST-1] Processing "Bye, David. Have a nice day!" from [Alex]
DEBUG     : [trace][PLEASED David][TEST-1] >>> process
DEBUG     : [trace][PLEASED David][TEST-1] >>> change_mood(offset=1)
DEBUG     : [trace][PLEASED David][TEST-1] <<< change_mood[0.00000]
DEBUG     : [trace][PLEASED David][TEST-1] <<< process[0.00017]
DEBUG     : [trace][HAPPY Alex][TEST-1] >>> process_response(to='bye', mood=<Mood.HAPPY: 5>)
DEBUG     : [trace][HAPPY Alex][TEST-1] <<< process_response[0.00000]
DEBUG     : [trace][HAPPY Alex][TEST-1] <<< bye[0.00060] Result: What a wonderful meeting!
DEBUG     : [trace][HAPPY David][TEST-1] >>> bye()
[David] Bye, Alex. Have a nice day!
DEBUG     : [Person][HAPPY Alex][TEST-1] Processing "Bye, Alex. Have a nice day!" from [David]
DEBUG     : [trace][HAPPY Alex][TEST-1] >>> process
DEBUG     : [trace][HAPPY Alex][TEST-1] >>> change_mood(offset=1)
DEBUG     : [trace][HAPPY Alex][TEST-1] <<< change_mood[0.00000]
DEBUG     : [trace][HAPPY Alex][TEST-1] <<< process[0.00018]
DEBUG     : [trace][HAPPY David][TEST-1] >>> process_response(to='bye', mood=<Mood.HAPPY: 5>)
DEBUG     : [trace][HAPPY David][TEST-1] <<< process_response[0.00000]
DEBUG     : [trace][HAPPY David][TEST-1] <<< bye[0.00059] Result: What a wonderful meeting!
Meeting closed in 0.00466 sec.
Outcome: Alex [HAPPY], David [HAPPY]

Trace configuration

New in version 1.1.0.

Trace supports configuration based on config.

Sample configuration file:

flags = ACTIVE | FAIL
classes = trace_ChannelManager, trace_Channel, trace_TextIOServiceImpl, trace_PipeServerHandler

source = saturnin.core.protocol.fbdp.PipeServerHandler
methods = close, send_ready, send_close

source = saturnin.core.base.ChannelManager
special = trace_defer

source = saturnin.core.base.Channel
methods = send, receive, close, bind, unbind, connect, disconnect

source = saturnin.core.base.DealerChannel
methods = send, receive, close, bind, unbind, connect, disconnect

source = saturnin.core.classic.SimpleService
methods = validate, run, initialize, start
with_args = no

source = saturnin.sdk.micro.textio.service.TextIOServiceImpl
methods = initialize, configure, validate, finalize
with_args = no

method = defer
max_param_length = 50

Enums & Flags

class firebird.base.trace.TraceFlag(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]

Bases: IntFlag

LoggingManager trace/audit flags.

FAIL = 8
NONE = 0


firebird.base.trace.add_trace(cls: Type, method: str, /, *args, **kwargs) None

shortcut for trace_manager.add_trace()

Return type:


firebird.base.trace.remove_trace(cls: Type, method: str) None

shortcut for trace_manager.remove_trace()

Return type:


firebird.base.trace.trace_object(obj: Any, *, strict: bool = False) Any

shortcut for trace_manager.trace_object()

Return type:


Trace manager

class firebird.base.trace.TraceManager[source]

Bases: object

Trace manager.

add_trace(cls: Type, method: str, /, *args, **kwargs) None[source]

Add/update trace specification for class method.

  • cls (Type) – Registered traced class

  • method (str) – Name of class method that should be instrumented for trace

  • args – Positional arguments for decorator

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments for decorator

Return type:


clear() None[source]

Removes all trace specifications.

Return type:


clear_flag(flag: TraceFlag) None[source]

Clear flag specified by flag mask.


flag (TraceFlag) –

Return type:


is_registered(cls: Type) bool[source]

Return True if class is registered.


cls (Type) –

Return type:


load_config(config: ConfigParser, section: str = 'trace') None[source]

Update trace from configuration.

  • config (ConfigParser) – ConfigParser instance with trace configuration.

  • section (str) – Name of ConfigParser section that should be used to get trace configuration.

Return type:


Uses TraceConfig, TracedClassConfig and TracedMethodConfig to process the configuration.


Does not clear() existing trace specifications.

register(cls: Type) None[source]

Register class for trace.


cls (Type) – Class to be registered.

Return type:


Does nothing if class is already registered.

remove_trace(cls: Type, method: str) None[source]

Remove trace specification for class method.

  • cls (Type) – Registered traced class

  • method (str) – Name of class method

Return type:


set_flag(flag: TraceFlag) None[source]

Set flag specified by flag mask.


flag (TraceFlag) –

Return type:


trace_object(obj: Any, *, strict: bool = False) Any[source]

Instruments object’s methods with decorator according to trace configuration.

  • strict (bool) – Determines the response if the object class is not registered for trace. Raises exception when True, or return the instance as is when False [default].

  • obj (Any) –

Return type:


Only methods registered with add_trace() are instrumented.


Decorated instance.


TypeError – When object class is not registered and strict is True.

Return type:


decorator: Callable

Decorator that should be used for trace instrumentation (via add_trace), default: traced.

property flags: TraceFlag

Trace flags.

property trace_active: bool

True if trace is active.

Trace/audit decorator

class firebird.base.trace.traced(*, agent: Any = Sentinel('DEFAULT'), context: Any = Sentinel('DEFAULT'), topic: str = 'trace', msg_before: str = Sentinel('DEFAULT'), msg_after: str = Sentinel('DEFAULT'), msg_failed: str = Sentinel('DEFAULT'), flags: TraceFlag = TraceFlag.NONE, level: LogLevel = LogLevel.DEBUG, max_param_length: int = Sentinel('UNLIMITED'), extra: Dict = None, callback: Callable[[Any], bool] = None, has_result: bool = Sentinel('DEFAULT'), with_args: bool = True)[source]

Bases: object

Base decorator for logging of callables, suitable for trace/audit.

It’s not applied on decorated function/method if FBASE_TRACE environment variable is set to False, or if FBASE_TRACE is not defined and __debug__ is False (optimized Python code).

Both positional and keyword arguments of decorated callable are available by name for f-string type message interpolation as dict passed to logger as positional argument.

  • agent (Any) –

  • context (Any) –

  • topic (str) –

  • msg_before (str) –

  • msg_after (str) –

  • msg_failed (str) –

  • flags (TraceFlag) –

  • level (LogLevel) –

  • max_param_length (int) –

  • extra (Dict) –

  • callback (Callable[[Any], bool]) –

  • has_result (bool) –

  • with_args (bool) –

__init__(*, agent: Any = Sentinel('DEFAULT'), context: Any = Sentinel('DEFAULT'), topic: str = 'trace', msg_before: str = Sentinel('DEFAULT'), msg_after: str = Sentinel('DEFAULT'), msg_failed: str = Sentinel('DEFAULT'), flags: TraceFlag = TraceFlag.NONE, level: LogLevel = LogLevel.DEBUG, max_param_length: int = Sentinel('UNLIMITED'), extra: Dict = None, callback: Callable[[Any], bool] = None, has_result: bool = Sentinel('DEFAULT'), with_args: bool = True)[source]
  • agent (Any) – Agent identification

  • context (Any) – Context identification

  • topic (str) – Trace/audit logging topic

  • msg_before (str) – Trace/audit message logged before decorated function

  • msg_after (str) – Trace/audit message logged after decorated function

  • msg_failed (str) – Trace/audit message logged when decorated function raises an exception

  • flags (TraceFlag) – Trace flags override

  • level (LogLevel) – Logging level for trace/audit messages

  • max_param_length (int) – Max. length of parameters (longer will be trimmed)

  • extra (Dict) – Extra data for LogRecord

  • callback (Callable[[Any], bool]) – Callback function that gets the agent identification as argument, and must return True/False indicating whether trace is allowed.

  • has_result (bool) – Indicator whether function has result value. If True, _result_ is available for interpolation in msg_after. The DEFAULT value means, that value for this argument should be decided from function return value annotation.

  • with_args (bool) – If True, function arguments are available for interpolation in msg_before.

log_after(logger: FBLoggerAdapter, params: Dict) None[source]

Executed after decorated callable.

Return type:


log_before(logger: FBLoggerAdapter, params: Dict) None[source]

Executed before decorated callable.

Return type:


log_failed(logger: FBLoggerAdapter, params: Dict) None[source]

Executed when decorated callable raises an exception.

Return type:


set_after_msg(fn: Callable, sig: Signature) None[source]

Sets the DEFAULT after message f-string template.

Return type:


set_before_msg(fn: Callable, sig: Signature) None[source]

Sets the DEFAULT before message f-string template.

Return type:


set_fail_msg(fn: Callable, sig: Signature) None[source]

Sets the DEFAULT fail message f-string template.

Return type:


agent: Any

Agent identification

callback: Callable[[Any], bool]

Callback function that gets the agent identification as argument, and must return True/False indicating whether trace is allowed.

context: Any

Context identification

extra: Dict

Extra data for LogRecord

flags: TraceFlag

Trace flags override

has_result: bool

Indicator whether function has result value. If True, _result_ is available for interpolation in msg_after.

level: LogLevel

Logging level for trace/audit messages

max_len: int

Max. length of parameters (longer will be trimmed)

msg_after: str

Trace/audit message logged after decorated function

msg_before: str

Trace/audit message logged before decorated function

msg_failed: str

Trace/audit message logged when decorated function raises an exception

topic: str

Trace/audit logging topic

with_args: bool

If True, function arguments are available for interpolation in msg_before


class firebird.base.trace.TracedMixin(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Mixin class that automatically registers descendants for trace and instruments instances on creation.


firebird.base.trace.trace_manager: TraceManager

Trace manager

Trace configuration classes

class firebird.base.trace.BaseTraceConfig(name: str)[source]

Bases: Config

Base configuration for trace.


name (str) –

agent: StrOption

Agent identification

context: StrOption

Context identification

flags: FlagOption

Trace flags override

has_result: BoolOption

Indicator whether function has result value

level: EnumOption

Logging level for trace/audit messages

max_param_length: IntOption

Max. length of parameters (longer will be trimmed)

msg_after: StrOption

Trace/audit message logged after decorated function

msg_before: StrOption

Trace/audit message logged before decorated function

msg_failed: StrOption

Trace/audit message logged when decorated function raises an exception

topic: StrOption

Trace/audit logging topic

with_args: BoolOption

If True, function arguments are available for interpolation in msg_before

class firebird.base.trace.TracedMethodConfig(name: str)[source]

Bases: BaseTraceConfig

Configuration of traced Python method.


name (str) –

method: StrOption

Class method name [required]

class firebird.base.trace.TracedClassConfig(name: str)[source]

Bases: BaseTraceConfig

Configuration of traced Python class.


name (str) –

apply_to_descendants: BoolOption



Wherher configuration should be applied also to all registered descendant classes [default

methods: ListOption

Names of traced class methods

source: StrOption

Fully qualified class name [required]

special: ConfigListOption

Configuration sections with extended config of traced class methods

class firebird.base.trace.TraceConfig(name: str)[source]

Bases: BaseTraceConfig

Trace manager configuration.


name (str) –

autoregister: BoolOption



When True, unregistered classes are registered automatically [default

classes: ConfigListOption

Configuration sections with traced Python classes [required].