Source code for firebird.base.collections

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2020-present The Firebird Projects <>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
# PROGRAM/MODULE: firebird-base
# FILE:           firebird/base/
# DESCRIPTION:    Various collection types
# CREATED:        14.5.2020
# The contents of this file are subject to the MIT License
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
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# Copyright (c) 2019 Firebird Project (
# All Rights Reserved.
# Contributor(s): Pavel Císař (original code)
#                 ______________________________________.

"""Firebird Base - Various collection types

This module provides data structures that behave much like builtin `list` and `dict` types,
but with direct support of operations that can use structured data stored in container, and
which would normally require utilization of `operator`, `functools` or other means.

All containers provide next operations:

* `filter` and `filterfalse` that return generator that yields items for which `expr` is
  evaluated as True (or False).
* `find` that returns first item for which `expr` is evaluated as True, or default.
* `contains` that returns True if there is any item for which `expr` is evaluated as True.
* `occurrence` that returns number of items for which `expr` is evaluated as True.
* `all` and `any` that return True if `expr` is evaluated as True for all or any list element(s).
* `report` that returns generator that yields data produced by expression(s) evaluated on
  list items.

Individual collection types provide additional operations like splitting and extracting
based on expression etc.

Expressions used by these methods could be strings that contain Python expression
referencing the collection item(s), or lambda functions.

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Type, Union, Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Mapping, Sequence, Generator, \
     Iterable, Callable, cast
from operator import attrgetter
import copy as std_copy
from .types import Error, Distinct, Sentinel, UNDEFINED

[docs] def make_lambda(expr: str, params: str='item', context: Dict[str, Any]=None): """Makes lambda function from expression. Arguments: expr: Python expression as string. params: Comma-separated list of names that should be used as lambda parameters context: Dictionary passed as `context` to `eval`. """ return eval(f'lambda {params}:{expr}', context) if context else eval(f'lambda {params}:{expr}')
#: Collection Item Item = Any #: Collection Item type specification TypeSpec = Union[Type, Tuple[Type]] #: Collection Item sort expression ItemExpr = Union[str, Callable[[Item], Item]] #: Filter expression FilterExpr = Union[str, Callable[[Item], bool]] #: Check expression CheckExpr = Union[str, Callable[[Item, Any], bool]]
[docs] class BaseObjectCollection: """Base class for collection of objects. """
[docs] def filter(self, expr: FilterExpr) -> Generator[Item, None, None]: """Returns generator that yields items for which `expr` is evaluated as True. Arguments: expr: Bool expression, a callable accepting one parameter and returning bool or bool expression as string referencing list item as `item`. Example: .. code-block:: python L.filter(lambda x:"ABC")) L.filter('"ABC")') """ fce = expr if callable(expr) else make_lambda(expr) return (item for item in self if fce(item))
[docs] def filterfalse(self, expr: FilterExpr) -> Generator[Item, None, None]: """Returns generator that yields items for which `expr` is evaluated as False. Arguments: expr: Bool expression, a callable accepting one parameter and returning bool or bool expression as string referencing list item as `item`. Example: .. code-block:: python L.filterfalse(lambda x:"ABC")) L.filterfalse('"ABC")') """ fce = expr if callable(expr) else make_lambda(expr) return (item for item in self if not fce(item))
[docs] def find(self, expr: FilterExpr, default: Any=None) -> Item: """Returns first item for which `expr` is evaluated as True, or default. Arguments: expr: Bool expression, a callable accepting one parameter and returning bool or bool expression as string referencing list item as `item`. default: Default value returned when Items is not found. Example: .. code-block:: python L.find(lambda x:"ABC")) L.find('"ABC")') """ for item in self.filter(expr): return item return default
[docs] def contains(self, expr: FilterExpr=None) -> bool: """Returns True if there is any item for which `expr` is evaluated as True. Arguments: expr: Bool expression, a callable accepting one parameter and returning bool or bool expression as string referencing list item as `item`. Example: .. code-block:: python if L.contains(lambda x:"ABC")): ... if L.contains('"ABC")'): ... """ return self.find(expr) is not None
[docs] def report(self, *args) -> Generator[Any, None, None]: """Returns generator that yields data produced by expression(s) evaluated on list items. Arguments: args: Parameter(s) could be one from: - A callable accepting one parameter and returning data for output - One or more expressions as string referencing item as `item`. Example: .. code-block:: python # generator of tuples with and item.size x: (, x.size))'','item.size') # generator of item names x:'') """ if len(args) == 1 and callable(args[0]): fce = args[0] else: attrs = f'({",".join(args) if len(args) > 1 else args[0]})' fce = make_lambda(attrs) return (fce(item) for item in self)
[docs] def occurrence(self, expr: FilterExpr) -> int: """Return number of items for which `expr` is evaluated as True. Arguments: expr: Bool expression, a callable accepting one parameter and returning bool or bool expression as string referencing list item as `item`. Example: .. code-block:: python L.occurrence(lambda x:"ABC")) L.occurrence('"ABC")') """ return sum(1 for item in self.filter(expr))
[docs] def all(self, expr: FilterExpr) -> bool: """Return True if `expr` is evaluated as True for all list elements. Arguments: expr: Bool expression, a callable accepting one parameter and returning bool or bool expression as string referencing list item as `item`. Example: .. code-block:: python L.all(lambda x:"ABC")) L.all('"ABC")') """ fce = expr if callable(expr) else make_lambda(expr) for item in self: if not fce(item): return False return True
[docs] def any(self, expr: FilterExpr) -> bool: """Return True if `expr` is evaluated as True for any list element. Arguments: expr: Bool expression, a callable accepting one parameter and returnin bool or bool expression as string referencing list item as `item`. Example: .. code-block:: python L.any(lambda x:"ABC")) L.any('"ABC")') """ fce = expr if callable(expr) else make_lambda(expr) for item in self: if fce(item): return True return False
[docs] class DataList(List[Item], BaseObjectCollection): """List of data (objects) with additional functionality. """
[docs] def __init__(self, items: Iterable=None, type_spec: TypeSpec=UNDEFINED, key_expr: str=None, frozen: bool=False): """ Arguments: items: Sequence to initialize the collection. type_spec: Reject instances that are not instances of specified types. key_expr: Key expression. Must contain item referrence as `item`, for example `item.attribute_name`. If **all** classes specified in `type_spec` are descendants of `.Distinct`, the default value is `item.get_key()`, otherwise the default is `None`. frozen: Create frozen list. Raises: ValueError: When initialization sequence contains invalid instance. """ assert key_expr is None or isinstance(key_expr, str) assert key_expr is None or make_lambda(key_expr) is not None if items is not None: super().__init__(items) else: super().__init__() if type_spec is not UNDEFINED and key_expr is None: all_distinct = True if isinstance(type_spec, tuple): for ts in type_spec: all_distinct = all_distinct and issubclass(ts, Distinct) else: all_distinct = all_distinct and issubclass(type_spec, Distinct) if all_distinct: key_expr = 'item.get_key()' self.__key_expr: str = key_expr self.__frozen: bool = False self._type_spec: TypeSpec = type_spec self.__map: Dict = None if frozen: self.freeze()
def __valchk(self, value: Item) -> None: if self._type_spec is not UNDEFINED and not isinstance(value, self._type_spec): raise TypeError("Value is not an instance of allowed class") def __updchk(self) -> None: if self.__frozen: raise TypeError("Cannot modify frozen DataList") def __setitem__(self, index, value) -> None: self.__updchk() if isinstance(index, slice): for val in value: self.__valchk(val) else: self.__valchk(value) super().__setitem__(index, value) def __delitem__(self, index) -> None: self.__updchk() super().__delitem__(index) def __contains__(self, o): if self.__map is not None: if isinstance(o, Distinct) and self.__key_expr == 'item.get_key()': return o.get_key() in self.__map return make_lambda(self.__key_expr)(o) in self.__map return super().__contains__(o)
[docs] def insert(self, index: int, item: Item) -> None: """Insert item before index. Raises: TypeError: When item is not an instance of allowed class, or list is frozen """ self.__updchk() self.__valchk(item) super().insert(index, item)
[docs] def remove(self, item: Item) -> None: """Remove first occurrence of item. Raises: ValueError: If the value is not present, or list is frozen """ self.__updchk() super().remove(item)
[docs] def append(self, item: Item) -> None: """Add an item to the end of the list. Raises: TypeError: When item is not an instance of allowed class, or list is frozen """ self.__updchk() self.__valchk(item) super().append(item)
[docs] def extend(self, iterable: Iterable) -> None: """Extend the list by appending all the items in the given iterable. Raises: TypeError: When item is not an instance of allowed class, or list is frozen """ for item in iterable: self.append(item)
[docs] def sort(self, attrs: List=None, expr: ItemExpr=None, reverse: bool=False) -> None: """Sort items in-place, optionaly using attribute values as key or key expression. Arguments: attrs: List of attribute names. expr: Key expression, a callable accepting one parameter or expression as string referencing list item as `item`. Important: Only one parameter (`attrs` or `expr`) could be specified. If none is present then uses default list sorting rule. Example: .. code-block:: python L.sort(attrs=['name','degree']) # Sort by, L.sort(expr=lambda x: # Sort by upper L.sort(expr='') # Sort by upper """ assert attrs is None or isinstance(attrs, (list, tuple)) if attrs: super().sort(key=attrgetter(*attrs), reverse=reverse) elif expr: super().sort(key=expr if callable(expr) else make_lambda(expr), reverse=reverse) elif self.__key_expr: super().sort(key=make_lambda(self.__key_expr), reverse=reverse) else: super().sort(reverse=reverse)
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """Remove all items from the list. Raises: TypeError: When list is frozen. """ self.__updchk() super().clear()
[docs] def freeze(self) -> None: """Set list to immutable (frozen) state. Freezing list makes internal map from `key_expr` to item index that significantly speeds up retrieval by key using the `get()` method. It's not possible to `add`, `delete` or `change` items in frozen list, but `.sort` is allowed. """ self.__frozen = True if self.__key_expr: fce = make_lambda(self.__key_expr) self.__map = dict(((key, index) for index, key in enumerate((fce(item) for item in self))))
[docs] def split(self, expr: FilterExpr, frozen: bool=False) -> Tuple[DataList, DataList]: """Return two new `DataList` instances, first with items for which `expr` is evaluated as True and second for `expr` evaluated as False. Arguments: expr: A callable accepting one parameter or expression as string referencing list item as `item`. frozen: Create frozen lists. Example: .. code-block:: python below, above = L.split(lambda x: x.size > 100) below, above = L.split('item.size > 100') """ return DataList(self.filter(expr), self._type_spec, self.__key_expr, frozen=frozen), \ DataList(self.filterfalse(expr), self._type_spec, self.__key_expr, frozen=frozen)
[docs] def extract(self, expr: FilterExpr, copy: bool=False) -> DataList: """Move/copy items for which `expr` is evaluated as True into new `DataList`. Arguments: expr: A callable accepting one parameter or expression as string referencing list item as `item`. copy: When True, items are not removed from source DataList. Raises: TypeError: When list is frozen and `copy` is False. Example: .. code-block:: python L.extract(lambda x:"ABC")) L.extract('"ABC")') """ if not copy: self.__updchk() fce = expr if callable(expr) else make_lambda(expr) l = DataList(type_spec=self._type_spec, key_expr=self.__key_expr) i = 0 while len(self) > i: item = self[i] if fce(item): l.append(item) if not copy: del self[i] else: i += 1 else: i += 1 return l
[docs] def get(self, key: Any, default: Any=None) -> Item: """Returns item with given key using default key expression. Returns `default` value if item is not found. Uses very fast method to look up value of default key expression in `frozen` list, otherwise it uses slower list traversal. Arguments: key: Searched value. default: Default value. Raises: Error: If key expression is not defined. Example: .. code-block:: python # Search using default key expression (fast for frozen list) L.get('ITEM_NAME') """ if not self.__key_expr: raise Error("Key expression required") if self.__map: i = self.__map.get(key) return default if i is None else self[i] fce = make_lambda(f'{self.__key_expr} == key', 'item, key') for item in self: if fce(item, key): return item return default
@property def frozen(self) -> bool: """True if list items couldn't be changed. """ return self.__frozen @property def key_expr(self) -> Item: """Key expression. """ return self.__key_expr @property def type_spec(self) -> Union[TypeSpec, Sentinel]: """Specification of valid type(s) for list values, or `.UNDEFINED` if there is no such constraint. """ return self._type_spec
[docs] class Registry(BaseObjectCollection, Mapping[Any, Distinct]): """Mapping container for `.Distinct` objects. Any method that expects a `key` also acepts `.Distinct` instance. To store items into registry with existence check, use: - - R.extend(items) or R.extend(item) To update items in registry (added if not present), use: - R[key] = item - R.update(items) or R.update(item) To check presence of item or key in registry, use: - key in R To retrieve items from registry, use: - R.get(key, default=None) - R[key] - R.pop(key, default=None) - R.popitem(last=True) To delete items from registry, use: - R.remove(item) - del R[key] Whenever a `key` is required, you can use either a `Distinct` instance, or any value that represens a key value for instances of stored type. """
[docs] def __init__(self, data: Union[Mapping, Sequence, Registry]=None): """ Arguments: data: Either a `.Distinct` instance, or sequence or mapping of `.Distinct` instances. """ self._reg: Dict = {} if data: self.update(data)
def __len__(self): return len(self._reg) def __getitem__(self, key): return self._reg[key.get_key() if isinstance(key, Distinct) else key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): assert isinstance(value, Distinct) self._reg[key.get_key() if isinstance(key, Distinct) else key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): del self._reg[key.get_key() if isinstance(key, Distinct) else key] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._reg.values()) def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}(" \ f"[{', '.join(repr(x) for x in self)}])" def __contains__(self, item): if isinstance(item, Distinct): item = item.get_key() return item in self._reg
[docs] def clear(self) -> None: """Remove all items from registry. """ self._reg.clear()
[docs] def get(self, key: Any, default: Any=None) -> Distinct: """ D.get(key[,d]) -> D[key] if key in D else d. d defaults to None. """ return self._reg.get(key.get_key() if isinstance(key, Distinct) else key, default)
[docs] def store(self, item: Distinct) -> Distinct: """Register an item. Raises: ValueError: When item is already registered. """ assert isinstance(item, Distinct), f"Item is not of type '{Distinct.__name__}'" key = item.get_key() if key in self._reg: raise ValueError(f"Item already registered, key: '{key}'") self._reg[key] = item return item
[docs] def remove(self, item: Distinct): """Removes item from registry (same as: del R[item]). """ del self._reg[item.get_key()]
[docs] def update(self, _from: Union[Distinct, Mapping, Sequence]) -> None: """Update items in the registry. Arguments: _from: Either a `.Distinct` instance, or sequence or mapping of `.Distinct` instances. """ if isinstance(_from, Distinct): self[_from] = _from else: for item in cast(Mapping, _from).values() if hasattr(_from, 'values') else _from: self[item] = item
[docs] def extend(self, _from: Union[Distinct, Mapping, Sequence]) -> None: """Store one or more items to the registry. Arguments: _from: Either a `.Distinct` instance, or sequence or mapping of `.Distinct` instances. """ if isinstance(_from, Distinct): else: for item in cast(Mapping, _from).values() if hasattr(_from, 'values') else _from:
[docs] def copy(self) -> Registry: """Shalow copy of the registry. """ if self.__class__ is Registry: return Registry(self) data = self._reg try: self._reg = {} c = std_copy.copy(self) finally: self._reg = data c.update(self) return c
[docs] def pop(self, key: Any, default: Any=None) -> Distinct: """Remove specified `key` and return the corresponding `.Distinct` object. If `key` is not found, the `default` is returned if given, otherwise `KeyError` is raised. """ return self._reg.pop(key.get_key() if isinstance(key, Distinct) else key, default)
[docs] def popitem(self, last: bool=True) -> Distinct: """Returns and removes a `.Distinct` object. The objects are returned in LIFO order if `last` is true or FIFO order if false. """ if last: _, item = self._reg.popitem() return item item = next(iter(self)) self.remove(item) return item